Save Time and Money Buying Jacksonville Florida Real Estate with a Home Inspection

Save Time and Money Buying Jacksonville Florida Real Estate with a Home Inspection

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A home inspection is a vital part of the home buying process in Jacksonville Florida Real Estate or any area.. Some potential buyers tend to view home inspections as something that is not necessary or too expensive. But home inspections can save buyers time and money in the long run.

Essentially home inspectors who inspect Jacksonville Florida Real Estate or any property for that matter are looking at the major systems. Roof, heating/cooling system, plumbing, electrical, and structural elements. In addition you will want them to identify any water intrusion problems, inadequate drainage concerns and asses the overall house maintenance or the lack there of. Here are some things you should know about home inspections:

  1. What is a home inspection? A home inspection is a visual examination of the physical structure and major interior systems of a home. It’s simply an assessment of the building’s condition. A quality inspection performed by a LICENSED home inspector is worth every penny. An inspector will not be able to identify every problem area but they will be able to give you some peace of mind or give you enough knowledge and information to walk away from the deal if necessary.
  2. When should a home inspection happen? Hiring a home inspector is recommended right after the offer-to-purchase contract is signed and prior to executing the final purchase and sales agreement. A part of the offering should be a clause that ensures that the purchase obligation is contingent upon the findings of a professional home inspection.
  3. Who should perform the inspection? The best way to go about hiring a home inspector is by asking a real estate agent, friends and family for personal recommendations. We recommend you hire a LICENSED inspector who will examine the exposed portions of the home, such as the roof, attic, walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, foundation, heating/cooling systems, interior plumbing, electrical systems and appliances.
  4. You should consider hiring a chimney inspector and a sewer inspector. We know of a case where the sewer inspector discovered the sewer line was not even hooked up to the sewer. Sewer work can cost thousands and thousands of dollars.
  5. If the house you want to buy is on a hill, hire a geological inspector. You sure don’t want the house to have been built in a slide area. You can even hire a surveyor to flag the corners of the lot.
  6. Conduct a structural pest inspection – This inspection is completed by a licensed contractor who is certified to perform this type of inspection. A structural pest inspection looks for actual pests such as termites, wood-boring beetles and other insects, plus mold infestations, water damage and dry rot.
  7. Do buyers attend the inspection? It’s a good idea for homebuyers to be present at the home inspection. They can then observe the inspector, ask questions and gain a better understanding of the condition of their future home.
  8. The final inspection report should be delivered to you between 24 and 48 hours.

Diamond Life Real Estate, Inc is here to help property owners. We are investors who focus much of our business on helping homeowners out of just about any situation, regardless of how challenging. We buy ALL types of distressed real estate, whether bank owned, vacant, abandoned, foreclosed, or a property in need of major rehabilitation. We don’t EVER charge any fees or commissions, but simply offer the honest truth about what we can do to buy your home or property, usually within 2 weeks or less, to resolve your situation. After our initial discussion there is no obligation on your part whatsoever.

Give us a call today at 904-834-1326, we might be able to help.

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